And now all your love is wasted, and who the hell was I?
30 questions about your top 30! (lastfm)
1. How did you get into 29? Adiam Dymott
fick upp ögonen för henne när hon var förband till mando. efter det hade jag en period då jag lyssnade mycket på henne.
2. What was the first song you ever heard by 22? Those Dancing Days
3. How many albums by 13 do you own? Michael Jackson
typ.. 10. plus dvder och sånt!
4. What is your favorite song by 5? Molotov Jive
Just nu är det nog Bridges Burn
5. What is your favorite song by 15? The Beatles
ojojoj den var svår! just nu är dte nog alla låtar på Help! albumet :D typ you've got to hide your love away
6. Is there a song by 6 that makes you happy? Hello Saferide
De flesta är glada och fina men om jag ska välja en får jag säga The Quiz
7. What is your favorite song by 10? Coldplay
The Scientist
8. What is a good memory you have involving 30? Muse
ett "good memory".. haha. Jag lyssnade sjukt mycket på Sunburn när jag låg hemma med bränskador typ.. 2007
9. Is there a song by 19 that makes you happy? Timo Räisänen
10. How many times have you seen 26 live? Bob Dylan
11. What is the first song you ever heard by 23? Queen
jadu.. det var väll nån mainstream låt. typ We Will Rock You
12. What is your favorite album by 11? Franz Ferdinand
13. Who is a favorite member of 1? Mando Diao
Gustaf Norén :D <3
14. Have you ever seen 14 live? Keane
JA! :D en gång där med. på Peace & Love. åh <3
15. What is a good memory involving 27? Laakso
Eftersom att jag inte tyckte deras spelning på peace var så givande får jag säga första gången jag hörde Worst Case Senario.
16. What is your favorite song by 16? The Libertines
Time For Heroes & Arbeit Macht Frei!
17. What is your favorite album by 18? Kings Of Leon
Only By The Night
18. What is your favorite song by 21? Oasis
The Masterplan
19. What is the first song you ever heard by 25? Damien Rice
The Blowers Daughter
20. What is your favorite album by 2? The Hives
Veni Vidi Vicious
21. What is you favorite song by 3? The Kooks
Mr. Maker & You Don't Love Me <3
22. What is you favorite song by 8? Håkan Hellström
Dom Kommer Kliva På Dig Igen <3
23. How many times have you seen 17 live? Anna Ternheim
nee :/ har dock haft chansen två gånger.
24. What is the worst song by 12? The Killers
Jag lyssnar inte på de dåliga. Men nu när jag serchade lite kom jag fram till att Exitlude inte är bland de bästa :P
25. What was the first song you ever heard by 28? Babyshambles
You Talk <3
26. What is you favorite album by 7? Johnossi
Johnossi :P
27. What is your favorite song by 24? The Wombats
Party In A Forest (Where's Laura?)
28. Is there a song by 9 that makes you happy? Arctic Monkeys
Mardy Bum
29. What is your favorite album by 4? Sugarplum Fairy
first round first minute
30. How many albums do you own by 20? Nizlopi
noll.. :(
vilken kul:D den tjuvar jag! hihihi like a puppet on a string!!!!
rätt tajmat av mig får jag tycka :)